dead, dead, dead
dead, dead, dead, dead
was I ever alive
fucking makes you alive in one minute
I am solstice filled with mercury
filled with mercury
liquid fucked
See right through your heart
See right through your heart
fuck with your heart
I am mercury liquid pure
hot, alive, dead, fucked fish eyes
I was born alive
I'll fucking kill you
I'll beat your soft baby head right in
careful with that baby
don't ever say the H word around him
I am ashamed of my name, say it
I hate the sound of your shit
because it means no good
it means cheap, liar, piece of shit
change it to raygun you fuck
Billy the loon
I am Mars
Billy X
no name causes shit
there is no god but sh...
God is hurt, God is cold
God is dead
cold heart radio
the pain
reoccuring messages of badness
reoccuring living bad dreams
at the vortex of lost souls
wailing lost souls of shame
we are in one hole
like a cup of mercury phosphate, burrr
shuddering around
taste my shit you wench
losing wailing lost souls
who stagger at the chance
hot, my eyes darkly gaze and wonder
do not enter
why, why, why
I was born whole
fractured, divided, shattered into a billion fragments
a million piece puzzle
a million piece jigsaw puzzle with no this and no that